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Katsuto Akamine was born and raised in Oita Prefecture, where he attended the Oita Mie Agricultural High School. As a farmer growing completely chemical-free crops using circulatory agricultural methods rooted in universal principles, in 1986 he formed an organization called NAZUNA. Through the NAZUNA newsletter, the NAZUNA Institute, the Farmers' Institute, lectures at various venues, nutritional guidance and natural food, he continues to convey the importance of circulation. He holds a 5th-dan in the Musou-shinden school of sword drawing. His publications include "From a Carrot to the Universe" and "Atopy is a Message From Nature" and the videos "From a Carrot to the Universe" and "Eating Off the Land." From a Carrot to the Universe After 30 years as a farmer, living with the land, after going through many troubles and experiences, I finally began to comprehend the circulation of life from a single carrot I had pulled out to thin out the crops. I learned about "soil and vegetables," about "food" and "disease" and "circulation." Feeling the severity of the Earth's current state, I will talk about what I have learned. You will begin to question things that you have always taken for granted. Please go beyond the realm of "common knowledge" and listen with an open mind. |
Boyo is a wizard in the application of microprocessors in real-time control of equipment including very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design. As an earth science geophysicist, Boyo specializes in the auto regressive integrated moving average modeling of seismic waves to predict certain behavior of the Earth's system. He is currently developing a similar system-model extending to the earth's atmosphere to optimize stratospheric factors responsible for the stratospheric destruction of the ozone in the North Pole. Global Sustainability: Exploiting the Power of Culture The culture of a universal unit refers to customs, arts, social institutions etc. Culture aids the state of intellectual development of any such unit or society. Therefore, the role of cultural exchange logically enhances the hybridization and intellectual stability around the globe, hence global sustainability. We shall see how we can logically exploit the power of culture (natural and supernatural) to promote harmonious relationship in our global comunity. |
He is currently working to bring about a clear mathematically precise articulation of the fundamental laws of the indwelling light of pure consciousness (the unified field out of which manifest all beings and worlds arise) that is congruent with the spiritual teachings of the great mystical wisdom traditions of all ages. In addition to this he is involved in the scientific research and development of new non-polluting clean energy generating technologies that make fossil fuel based technology and nuclear power obsolete, unnecessary and undesirable by comparison. He presently works as a research physicist in San Francisco for the International Space Sciences Organization, which is a scientific research and educational organization whose mission is to open the frontier of cosmos to humanity. Time Space Radiance Mind Humanity is presently in the midst of a scientific revolution that will surpass all previous revolutions. At the center of this revolution is a fundamental revisioning of the very Nature of Time, Space, Light and Mind (or Consciousness) in the light of intrinsic sentience. It is becoming clear that no description, no matter how complex of ingenious, of the dynamics of matter and energy alone will ever explain or account for the existence of conscious awareness or sentience itself. No description of complex electrochemical reactions or neural networks in the brain will ever truly explain how it is possible to be having an experience at all and, on top of that, to be aware that you are having an experience. Conscious awareness, sentience or pure cognizance itself is increasingly being recognized as being intrinsic and essential to the universe, suffusing and pervading and constituting matter and energy, yet not derived from matter or energy as it is typically conceived. A summary of the throughgoing transformation of our scientific perspective will be presented by examining four fundamental facets of the current scientific perspective undergoing radical changes at the present time: Time - Space - Radiance (or Light) - Mind (or Consciousness). |
Rina Eda was born in Tokyo. As a fashion model, she gained prominence in magazines and in print and media advertisements for cosmetics and other products. A mystical experience during a period of illness led her to the world of spirituality, and she began to do research and to associate with people involved in religion, science and art. Since 1980, she has undergone training in Japanese Zen temples and travelled to India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and China exploring the mystery of life (the mystery of birth). Deepening her experiences by studying the world views and consciousness transformations of Zen, Taoism and Esoteric Buddhism, she has developed original dynamic methods derived from the fusion of Eastern traditional wisdom and Western natural healing methods. As a trainer she has held leadership training seminars and corporate lectures, developed manuals and given technical instruction. She designs programs for healing salons and relaxation rooms, and as a creative director, develops musical and visual programs based on new concepts. She continues to create drawings, poems, essays and photographs every day. Creating New Values The creation of new values is a process of self-transformation and a basic pillar of creativity education. It is of utmost importance for us to become aware of the abundant qualities within ourselves through a new kind of education and to acknowledge the value of our dormant strengths and beautiful qualities. A healthy and harmonious societal structure is one in which people meet on a deeper level, where individuals and society as a whole are deeply connected in a dynamic relationship and everyone has the power to live their dreams and visions. As we build this world filled with joy, it is time for us to make further leaps toward the 21st century as "responsible beings based on love, courage and truth." As a trainer, instructor and educational material developer, it is my hope that as many people as possible may live lives filled with love and laughter. |
Marc has headed up several startup companies to varying degrees of success. He is the initiator and torch-bearer of the Global Sustainability Alliance, which he is nurturing into a pure model for the activation of a truly sustainable, regenerative, bio-regional socio-economic system. His experience with MillennialGoods.Com has brought him insights into appropriate Internet strategies for aggregating global communities around common visions of sustainability. A near death experience 12 years ago left Marc with a critical sense of urgency regarding the need to activate global sustainability in very short order. He hasn't looked back since. To Marc, the concept of Unity in Diversity is the key to the critical merging of dualisms necessary to activate an abundant, intelligent, and biospherically sane planetary consciousness. The Global Sustainability Alliance: A Pure Coordinating Body for a Global Network of Businesses and Individuals The Global Sustainability Alliance has been designed as a membership-based philosophical and political body ムwith teeth. The non-profit GSA is acting as a coordinating force, alliance builder, sustainability watchdog and educational body. Without a coherent attempt to coordinate the many separate elements of a sustainable society, individual groups cannot hope to prevail over the current non-sustainable paradigm. The GSA is focusing on coordinating a full scale effort through new communications networks, technology transfer, alliances of manufacturers and distributors, on-line barter models, and the creation of accurate measurement standards of sustainable practices. In his presentation Marc will give an overview of the critical issues defining this evolving body. He requests that you all sign up for membership via the evolving GSA website at http://gsa.spinweb.net. |
The Integration of Literacy and Life Storytelling as a Vehicle for Empowerment and Language Development Most of my 20 year working life has been involved in educational pursuits. My work has included projects with Aboriginal, migrant, deaf, physically disabled, mentally disabled, behaviourally disturbed, homeless and imprisoned people, primary and high schools as well as community, business and corporate projects. In Australia, we are struggling with the literacy needs of children, teenagers and adults who need specialized learning support. I am particularly interested in development in literacy development and the use of creativity, humour and spontaneity as a means to enhance learning. Another major aspect of my work involves supporting people as they create stories from their imagination and as they develop the telling and recording of their own true life stories. Rigid and structured curriculums limit and damage many peopleユs lives resulting in little or no recovery for those who were subject to such experiences. If we are to persist with schools as we know them, the focus needs to shift to that of teaching children how to learn in addition to creating an environment for learners that is stimulating, exciting and which allows them to equally participate in the decision-making process of what they will learn. |
Being at One With Source and Multidimensional Awareness This session will be an "Experiential Blessing" to take participants into their own Inner Silence, Stillness and Light. Stephanie will direct the group experientially through an "inner-phasing process" designed to awaken each individual further into the reality of the Multidimensionality of Human Consciousness. She will also invocate a profound spiritual blessing from the higher realms of Holy Light for each person present to be cleared of certain physical, mental, emotional or etheric levels that may be obstructing the expansion of consciousness into the deepest inner serenity of soul, unconditional love and multidimensionality, which is our True Nature. |
Her major fields of research are Soft Technology, Technology Innovation, Knowledge Society/Economy, Harmonious Development of Economy-Technology-Society, Sustainable Development and Strategy Studies. She has published various monographs, translations, books and theses on the above and related topics. Soft Technology -- The Overtaking Approaches for Developing Countries Under the irreversible trends of knowledge economy, what is the role of the humanities and social science knowledge and the resulting technology? In this presentation, the author develops the concept of "soft technology" and explains its significance. By discussing the essence of knowledge and technology competitiveness, she probes into the essence of the gap between developed and developing countries, and expounds opinions on the Chinese way of innovation. Today, technology has reached the stage of turning the people's dreams of flying to the moon into a reality, and now it is possible to clone human beings. At the same time, the cycle from knowledge to technology, from technology to product and to industry is decreasing. After revolutions in industry, productivity and management, the world has entered the stage of developing soft sciences and soft technologies. |
During the last ten years, he has investigated cosmoterrestrial fields and the breathing of the Earth. He has published more than thirty works about this phenomenon, including the book The Breathing of the Earth. His research has started to reveal the nature of the cosmoterrestrial field, and may provide solutions to some problems in cosmobiorhythmology for the establishment of mutual connections between the sun, moon, Earth and other celestial bodies. Applications also include the forecast of earthquakes, typhoons and other events in near and distant space. Earth Breathing We refer to Cosmic Earth Energy as KOZE, from the Russian Kosmo-Zemnaya Energiya, and to temporal variation of KOZE as DZ, from the Russian Dykhaniye Zemli. DZ is displayed, for example, in the temporal variation of the width of Hartmannユs Zones. KOZE is equivalent to the concepts of CHI and PRANA in the Chinese and Indian philosophies. We plan to measure KOZE over the globe and underground; in Russia, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, China and Vietnam. In Troisk, near Moscow, we have been measuring DZ about three times a day each month since 1991. Since 1996, we have been measuring DZ about twenty to thirty times per day with the help of special sensors. An understanding of DZ laws is important for getting in touch with cosmic energy. It would greatly assist us in being in perfect harmony with the Universe. |
In 1979, she started her own company, Tecnic Research Laboratories (TRL) of California, which held a number of government and private industrial grants and contracts. She held contracts with the Navy and NASA and consulting positions with various corporations. Dr. Rauscher has also served on the board of directors of six non-profit institutions. She has participated in confences and consulting projects in the US, Canada, England, France, Spain, India, North Africa, Korea, Japan, Singapore and Iceland. She has published 170 papers, talks, books, book chapters, patents and has participated in extensive public lecturing, TV and radio interviews. |
She serves on the editorial board of five scholarly journals, including Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. She was a member of the Program Advisory Council at the National Inst. of Health (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine, and chaired the NIH panel on bioelectromagnetics. Presently she is Visiting Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Program in Integrative Medicine directed by Dr. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona. She is also an adjunct faculty member at several universities. Dr. Rubik is also a consultant to a variety of clients, including television productions on new science, persons wanting specific information on alternative/complementary medicine, and a research and educational consultant to several corporations developing maverick health care and wellness products. In addition, Dr. Rubik is an overseas advisory member of the Committee on New Energy Applications connected with MITI in Japan. Towards a New View of Life Molecular biology, which has become the dominant paradigm in the life sciences gives us an extremely fragmented view of life. For a comprehensive view of the living state, we must also develop science from the top down and embrace holistic dynamical views. I propose a concept of an organizing field of energy and information acting into space, but existing beyond space and time, which governs the organized whole of the organism. This view helps us understand some important findings from frontier science that challenge the dominant paradigm, such as lifeユs intimate relationship with geocosmic rhythms, subtle electromagnetic fields and energy medicine, such as acupuncture and healer interventions. Furthermore, it helps heal the split between mind and matter, which has forced conventional biology to focus only on matter and mechanism. |
She spent a year in India at Sai Baba's Ashram studying spirituality and philosophy. Since 1994 she has been showing her fashion in South America with her philosophy that "fashion is a photograph of the soul," bringing together her design and spiritual knowledge. In 1997 she introduced her fashion in Europe. Since then she has been showing her collections in Switzerland, Germany and Paris in fashion showrooms and fashion shows. She is currently working to expand her line to Japan and the USA. |
Bronislav also studies the Chinese calendar and principles of time. He currently operates a tea house in Moscow as the president of the Tea Culture Society where he studies traditional ways of nourishing life. He is also a composer, poet and artist, but points out that all these are secondary details included in the Dao practice which is the main subject of his life's work. He has written several articles about Chinese tea culture and proposes a communication technique called "Tea Conscious Breathing". He has also develped a technique "Conscious Breathing Movement" and talks about tea energy as a possibility for getting into direct contact with the substance of time. |
With his psychic abilities he works with different embassies, politicians, governments, police, companies, doctors, scientists, psychologists, artists and various other agencies. His open way of working allows him to integrate his work in all kind of social or religious groups all around the world. He has had numerous publications and interviews on TV, radio and print media in Europe, North America, South America and the Far East about his experiences and knowledge in spiritual and psychic affairs. Author of articles, audiocassette recordings and a book published in 1998 in Germany. |