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Rashmi Mayur, PhD (11 February Keynote)
He has received various advisory appointments including the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Fund for Populations Activities, and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements. He has also been advisor to the governments of Australia, Costa Rica, Malta, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Korea and Surinam. His various publications include The Earth First and Earth, Man and Future. Peace, Evolution and Eternity As the great philosopher Hegel would have said, life is not "brutish, nasty and short." Life is an evolutionary process, a process by which we adapt, harmonize and grow to a higher level of existence, in which peace exists. All through the human history, humans have lived by the rule of the jungle by which only the mighty survived. During this century just completed, more than 100 million people were butchered by their own kind whereas 70 million people were killed in wars and conflicts during the previous 1900 years. This is the proof of our increasing barbarism as humans. We have created probably the most belligerent society in human history. If we continue on the present path, we may bring an end not only to all the 6 billion people but also to 40 million other species of life, which share our home - the sacred Earth. This is the time for wisdom to understand the fundamental laws of life and nature, to understand ourselves. To create, to discover our true powers. For that, we must liberate ourselves from the past, which has kept us beastly divided, unequal, greedy, insecure, competitive, violent and finite. Our spirits demand that we search for freedom and universalize ourselves. We must find universality of our existence. It is only then that we shall be in harmony within ourselves, with our fellow travellers and with the whole of life. It is only then that we shall find ourselves liberated from the prison of time. We shall be eternal and our evolution will continue forever. |
@ James J. Hurtak, PhD (11 February Evening Keynote)
New Scientific Discoveries and the New Image of Man Future science tools and techniques are continuously transforming our knowledge of the past and future. Here we go beyond historic stereotypes of Egypt, South America and Japan in reconstructing civilization by journeying through the human past by means of recent expeditions relying on revolutionary techniques of modern science and high-tech studies. A new generation of archaeologists and anthropologists realize that the infinitely manipulable data-crunching supercomputer when combined with remote sensing and ground penetrating radar, has the potential to answer profound questions. These questions cover the rise of intelligence, the interconnecting links between civilizations, the material and spiritual aspects of vanished civlizations, and the lessons in survival we must understand as we prepare for the challenges of a "unified planetary consciousness. A much needed holistic vison of mankind is unfolding for life in the 21st Century and the role of leadership that will come through the "new image of man" in the context of Peace, Freedom and Time. |
@ Tynnetta Muhammad (12 February Keynote) Mother Tynnetta Muhammad came to birth in Detroit, Michigan, on May 10, 1941 as the eldest of four children born to Rhobena and Omega Nelson. She was at an early age, exposed to the mystical world of visions and dreams which was later reinforced with training in speech elocution, Theater, Drama and the Cultural Arts with a background in Dance guided by her Mother and Grandmother, Irene. As wife of the late Honorable Elijah Muhammad, founder of The Nation of Islam in the U.S., Mother Tynnetta Muhammad continues her destiny of carrying forth his mantle of Divine Truth which is the guiding force of her exceptional vitality and expression of life's purpose. She is the founder of The Elijah Muhammad Educational Foundation for Non-Profit and has traveled extensively in support of global efforts world-wide on behalf of improving the quality of life on our planet for all of Humanity. She hopes that her subject, carefully selected for this Summit, will go a long way in fostering Peace and Freedom in the New Time. The Theology of Time - Cracking the Code - Journey to Infinity |
@ Jose Arguelles, PhD and Lloydine Arguelles, MA (12 February Evening Keynote)
Lloydine Arguelles received her BFA in Dance from UCLA in 1966 and her MA in Modern Dance from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1970. Lloydine's professional career in dance included teaching at the University of Colorado, the Naropa Institute and the Boulder Dance Odyssey where she was a director/choreographer until 1981. Following their unraveling of the Mayan calendar code and discovery of the Law of Time, Jose and Lloydine produced tools and proofs of the mathematics of fourth-dimensional time, such as the Thirteen Moon Calendar, Dreamspell and Telektonon. In 1994, they founded the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, and as planetary peace pilgrims they have delivered their message around the world, including the Vatican and the United Nations. They were the organizers of The World Summit on Peace and Time in Costa Rica in June 1999. The Law of Time The Law of Time is the final revelation of the cycle of history. The discovery of the Law of Time makes conscious what was previously unconscious. The Law of Time prescribes an entirely new science based on time rather than space and augurs an unprecedented spiritual unification of humanity. The Law of Time is implemented by the Calendar Change. By accepting and following the Thirteen Moon Calendar humanity will return to living in natural time according to divine law. |
@ Mayumi Mori, EdD (13 February Keynote)
Harmony artist. Graduated from Chuo University Department of Literature. Obtained postgraduate credits from San Francisco State University, Iowa State University and Georgetown University. Doctor of Education, Newport University. Professor, Department of Education, Newport University. President and CEO, New World Group, Inc. Director, Mori Accelerative Learning Center (MALC). Co-founder, Society for Accelerative and Integrative Learning (SAIL). Co-founder, The EVHA Connection USA. Co-founder, The EVHA Connection Australia. The Earth Smiles, Everyone Shines The forests love, the Earth breathes, the oceans accept, the mountains protect. When humans forgot Nature's rhythms and melodies and universal principles of circulation, the smiles vanished from all creatures, and we all lost the Light. Now is the time. Heaven and Earth have given us the chance to initiate a new Genesis. Let us listen to HisTory and also to HerStory and convey universal Love to the world, from East to West, from South to North. Let us strive to speak of a view of the universe, a view of nature, a view of the world hidden within the boundless depth, breadth and silence of "nothingness." Why was the rainbow the symbol of hope for the Ancients? The Rainbow of Peace in the Uni-Verse that envelops the Earth became visible to us only when our consciousness and will began to head in the direction of humble learning and gratitude toward the Law of Nature. Let us relax spirit and body and mind, restore the intelligence and emotion that comes from direct learning from the dormant wisdom in the energy of Love called Time, and experience our voyage to find the peace and freedom that mankind has not been able to realize in the past. |